TLC Kids and Cattle at 2009 Oklahoma Youth Expo in Oklahoma City, OK
There were a total of 1,400 head of heifers in the show! Congratulations to Rashele she won the Senior Showmanship! The kids all did well and we are extremely proud of them all!
TLC Cattle Kids and Cattle Compete at Kellyville, OK Show
Jessie showed four head of TLC cattle at Kellyville Jackpot January 31st, 2009. TLC Deerdra as a Maine, 5th in class, TLC Turk's Linse as AOB, 4th in class, TLC Turk's Gold, Class winner and TLC King Pin, 5th in class. She also placed 5th in the Intermediate showmanship! Great job Jessie! We are proud of you and the cattle. Brock and TLC Heidi Wave were 2nd in one Chi Class and 3rd in the other. Brock won the Junior Showmanship. Jacob and TLC Snickers were 3rd in the AOB Steer Class, Katie Chupp and TLC Velvet were 2nd in the Maintainer class.
TLC Cowboy's Cowgirl wins 2009 Montgomery County Livestock Show in Texas March 29, 2009 for Rachel McDowall. This is the 3rd Year in a row that a TLC heifer won the Montgomery County Show. TLC Buds Star was the first winner in 2007, two years ago and TLC Cowboy's Cowgirl won it last year in 2008 and came back heavy bred to win the show again on March 29, 2009. The judges comments were she was the most complete heifer in the show. Heavy bred and still very feminine and complete.
Thank you to Roger for the fabulous job of fitting and feeding this heifer.
Thorne Ranch cattle were successful at the 2009 Southwestern Livestock Exposition Braunvieh Show at Ft Worth Texas in January 2009
Judge: Cary Crow of Coffeyville, KS.
2009 San Antonio Livestock Show
We had 16 head of cattle at the Braunvieh Show and one head in the Shorthorn show on Oct 3 and 6 head at the Maintainer Show on Oct 4. Cattle performed well and we were successful in several categories. TLC Exhibited seven head of Fullblood/Purebred and Percentage Beef Builder Braunvieh cattle March 1-5 in Houston Texas.
9th Annual Oklahoma Cattlemen Association Summer Ranch Tour held at Thorne Ranch on June 22, 2009. A. J. Smith Editor of the OCA Magazine and tour guide brought in 400 fine folks for a visit.
I missed the tour due to coming home from the hospital that day, but will always cherish what A, J, said in his appreciation letter after the tour. "Joan, we missed you and we hope that you are doing well on the road to recovery. It is just a bump in the road. " We hope the bumps in the road are smooth for A. J. now too. We send our love and prayers to his family and many friends. He was truly an Oklahoma Icon. He was a ring man at everyone of our productions sales and was always the perfect gentleman. He always told me he came for the good food we served. He will be missed in several sale rings nation wide! He has gone to a better place. A. J. we will miss you!
Special thanks to my friends, Carol Smith and Sheila Bond for setting up and serving these fine folks while I was in the hospital. Plus all the cattle kids kicked in and helped so much! Thank YOU
Midwest Mardi Gras 2009 National Jr. Braunvieh Show held in Lincoln, NE. June 24-27
We were home recouping from surgery so we didn't get to attend the Nationals with our Kids and their families. Thank you to Tommy Duncan and Brian Courtney for getting the kids there and keeping them all on time and in line.
Thank you to the Blakley, Runner, Green, Heidlage, Williams and Paul families for your help and participation. We are so proud of you all and how you represented the cattle and Oklahoma. It was a great success! Report from the kids was that they had a blast and can't wait for next year.
Grand Champion Percentage - Reserve Grand Champion Percentage, Grand Champion Purebred/Fullblood Heifer... State Best Four Head.. Herdmanship Trophy... Just a few awards received! Oklahoma kids and cattle were very successful. But most of all lifetime memories will out last any awards received.
2009 Rogers County Fair and Tri County Fair in Collinsville, OK - Cattle Kids Excel with their TLC Cattle. 2009 Tri County Fair at Collinsville. Cattle Kids did well! Kyle Williams selected Senior Showman at Tri County Fair with TLC Turks Linse. Jessie was 2nd in Senior Showmanship with 15 in the Class. Jessie Heidlage wins Champion AOB Heifer with TLC Turks Jill.
Thank you Jessie Heidlage, Kyle Williams, Jabob Daley and Blake Runner.
Our cattle kids hauled Fullblood and Beefbuilder Braunvieh to 2009 Tulsa State Fair Junior Market and Junior Heifer Show this year and they had some success for the breed acceptance. Especially the 5/8 Braunvieh and 1/4 bloods. Jacob Daley has shown a TLC Braunvieh percentage steer for four years now and his persistence paid off when he was selected for the Junior Livestock Premium Sale. He was awarded $4,200 for his TLC Turk sired steer named TLC Turks Snickers. We are really proud and happy for the Daley family! Jacob had severe health problems last spring and we are just happy he could exhibit this year.
Our Junior Heifer Judge was Don Hoge of Galva Illinois from Blackhawk College. He judged two sets of cattle. Five Fullblood and Purebred Heifers and the seven head of Beefbuilders. The beef builders were Angus, Simmental, Maine Anjou and Braunvieh composites! Some were 5/8 Braunvieh and some were ½ bloods. He said, I am simply amazed at these Beefbuilder Braunvieh cattle. He said you have the bone the muscle the structure that everyone is trying to get and you already have it! He also said that this class of five divisions was well worth his trip to Tulsa Oklahoma just see this set of cattle. It was the most exciting thing he had seen in a long long time! This would make you want to use Braunvieh genetics! He said. You really have something here. Comment: Don Hoge has been judging cattle for years not an amateur judge!
Jacob Daley
Brent Williams,
Sara Green
Jessie Heidlege
Kyle Williams
Rashele Blakley
We had 16 head of cattle at the Fullblood/Purebred and Percentage Braunvieh Open Show and one head in the Shorthorn show on Oct 3 and 6 head at the Maintainer Show on Oct 4. Cattle performed well and we were successful in several categories. Thank you families that assisted us.. We could not have done it without your help!
Thorne Ranch & Cattle 2008-2009 Year End Awards
A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Inc.
435707 E0370 Rd, Adair, OK 74330
Copyright 1997-2025 © A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
Designed by TLC Website Designs
"You will only be a stranger once at Thorne Ranch"
Come see us and pick out a Show Heifer, Replacement or a Herd Sires Prospect. Private Treaty! Take your time and get what you want. Check out all Angus, Maine and Clubby and Braunvieh Semen and Embryos Inventory. Call us 918.284.0175