Our Cow herd today are from proven genetics, very fertile and have longevity bred into them.
We did artificial insemination and embryo transplant for over twenty years. We have finally accomplished a cow herd that we are happy with. Our basic herd is Simmental/Maine/Angus and a few Braunvieh today. The past few years we incorporated more Simmental into the herd to maintain maternal and hybrid cross. We don't have an udder problem and our cow herd is very docile and easy to handle. We have a good cross section of our four breeds!
Our Braunvieh Cow herd came from proven genetics that have consistently been in the top in the, show ring and carcass contests. Abbie researched the breed in Canada and Switzerland before he selected his base herd. Thorne Ranch was the first breeder in Oklahoma to have Fullblood Braunvieh in 1991. We flushed Donors to Registered Angus bulls and those females fertility and life life span are still in our herd favorites.
We also flushed to top Maine-Anjou bulls to produced show ring style with bone and correct feet and legs. Those cattle could show as Maintainers or Beef builder Braunvieh. Although there are few Braunvieh here today they were the base of our cow herd. There are still Embryos for sale from some of our top proven Donors.
TRI/TLC Whoa Girl N3100 (Heidi) Half Blood BV
Dam:TLC Beverly K2386 Purebred Black Icon daughter
DOB: 3-3-2003 Still in production in 2019.
K2386 was in produciton until she was 16 years of age and still had a beautiful udder.
Heidi is the Donor Dam of TLCC Turk S6103 ET sired by Wild Turkey a clean Irish Whiskey son and TCL Chop Sticks a natural son sired by ZKCC Chopper until his untimely death by lighting. We built a Maine and Simmental line from her. They have not disappointed us. Several daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughters in production. They are easy to distinguish in the herd. Clean fronted and beautiful udders.
We believe longevity is definitetly a trait worth repopulating.
Veronica has been a staple at Thorne Ranch for many years in our ET Program. We flushed her to several out of breed bulls like - Hot Rod CA, Draftpick, Cowan's Ali, CMCC Hardcore, Meyer 734, and also several Braunvieh Bulls. She is the dam of TLCC Zip Code and was also the dam of TLCC Vincente. We have granddaughters, great granddaughters, great great granddaughters in production. We love her performance and calving ease! Her line is long and we have several that go back to her in their pedigree. VERONICA LIVED A LONG LONG LIFE AND WAS HUMANELY PUT DOWN AT THE AGE OF 22 YEAR OLD IN 2019. SHE IS BURIED IN THE PASTURE SHE GRACED FOR MANY YEARS.
A North Star Vernon daughter that impacted our Braunvieh and Simmental herd. Beautiful female that was shown as a heifer with success. A full sister sold for $15,000 in one of our production sales. She was a consistent flusher and we have sold many high priced progeny out of her in production sales. We still have embryos from this top Donor for sale. Check out the Semen and Embryos Page
Check out this great video the Fullblood Donor Veronica in her prime while we were flushing her to Simmental, Maine and Braunvieh sires. Our cow herd goes back to her in almost every pedigree.
Vasa was a Hot Rod CA Embryo calf out of Veronica. Reighly Blakely campaigned her as a weaned heifer and won several shows with her in Jackpots and Open Shows. She won the Ozark Farm Show as a weaned heifer. Won the Mayes County Fair Show, the Will Rogers Classic and numerous Braunvieh shows.
Check out this great video
TLC Betsy P4154 was a full sister to National Show Heifer of the year TLC Buds Star R5150 and TLC Starwars. She was a good producer and we flushed her to Registered Angus sires such as Eblazon, and New Look. TCL Hucks momma was a daughter W9104. So Betsy is TCL Huck's grand dam. He is Half Simmental and Quarter Angus Quarter Braunvieh.
Check out this great video
TLC Barbara T1008 ET a Sired by Emblazon x TLC Betsy P4154 above. Good Half Blood we breed to Simmental sires. Picture taken Sept 2015. She raised a heifer calf 2024 sired by TLCC Bricktown and we will definitely keep her daughter for replacement and ship her in 2025. Longevity-udders and feet still excellent condition.
A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Inc.
435707 E0370 Rd, Adair, OK 74330
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"You will only be a stranger once at Thorne Ranch"
Come see us and pick out a Show Heifer, Replacement or a Herd Sires Prospect. Private Treaty! Take your time and get what you want. Check out all Angus, Maine and Clubby and Braunvieh Semen and Embryos Inventory. Call us 918.284.0175