Our A.I. and Braunvieh Herd sires are from a variety of genetics that we have incorporated into our herd over 25 years of breeding Braunvieh cattle. We selected for; Gestation length, Calving Ease, Fertility, Performance, Eye Appeal, Carcass Value and Disposition in our Braunvieh blood lines. We have produced winners in the show ring with two national show heifer champions from our genetics and several Beef Builder Show Heifers of the Year. We have retained some of the top maternal traits out of our cows herd from these sires. Their dam's are some of our top females with several generations to look back on for reference. Big volume cattle with width, heart girth and structurally sound feet and legs are one of our selection criteria's.
Even though we are not breeding Braunvieh full times like we used to we still have semen available and frozen embryos for sale.
We kept Bricktown around because he was a Turk son and out of a Star War's daughter TLC Britt X1272 that is still in the herd. He's 5/8 Braunvieh and 1/4 Maine. He was small at birth and has passed on that calving ease. We have saved several Bricktown daughters for replacement females to add to our Simmental program. He has great calving ease and perfect for first time heifers. We have several more to come in fall of 2024.
Silverwood Dragon 4Y OB3578 (deceased)
Sire: Kerholm Robi Norman CA3851 Dam: Starline Miss jenny 12U ET CA4783
He consistently produces Champion Sons and daughters. Six frame, square hips, deep rib, big foot and soundness.
His daughters have beautiful udders and consistently produce superior progeny.
Number one in the breed for Yearling EPD. Semen available $25.00 No AI Certificate
We purchased Silverwood Dragon in his prime in 1997 from the Randall Ranch in Broadus, Montana. He consistently produced their top cattle and he went onto prove himself time and time again in ours and many herds in the states. He was very docile and easy tempered. Produced more herd sires than any other Fullblood bull we have ever used. He was consistent in calving and his steers fed very well with big 18-19 inch rib eye's and average .18 - .25 back fat on carcass that graded yield grade 1-2. Marbling was outstanding! We thought enough of Dragon that when he passed away we buried him in the front lake pasture. His son's and daughters have proven his legacy.
Magnum ET (Deceased) OB31668
Sire: Silverwood Dragon 4Y OB3578
Dam: GLB 814 OB1288
Magnum was a Silverwood Dragon son out of the famous 814 cow. He was produced from a flush that we purchased from her in 1997. Magnum was a keeper from the very beginning. Our friend Robert Goodwin saw his potential and acquired half interest in him when he was just a yearling. He spent most of his time in south Texas on Roberts ranch and only made it back to Oklahoma once for our production sale one year. He met an untimely death when lighting struck 11 head of Roberts. Fancy moderate framed cattle that had great eye appeal and performance. Semen Available
TLC Bud J9103 OB30398 (deceased)
Sire: Silverwood Dragon 4Y OB3578
Dam: TLC Bruna F6234 (Ueli)
He consistently produces a moderate frame, square hips, deep rib, big foot and soundness. His daughters have beautiful udders and moderate frame size 5.5-6.0 He was Grand Champion Bull at NAILE when he was 9 months old.
Bud produced TLC Star R5150 who was National Show Heifer of the Year in 2006-2007. Sire of the 2010 Grand Champion Beefbuilder heifer DRCC Winning is Fun owned by Reighly Blakley. Semen available $25.00 No AI Certificate
Bud produced TLC Star R5150 who was National Show Heifer of the Year in 2006-2007.
Sire of the 2010 Grand Champion Beefbuilder heifer DRCC Winning is Fun owned by Reighly Blakley.
TLC Bud's Star R5150 Braunvieh National Show Heifer of the Year
TLC Viagra K2363 ET OB38218
Sire: Silverwood Dragon 4Y
Dam: TLC Anna F6496 ET (Vernon x A97/8)Viagra (a name most folks don't forget) consistently produced growth and good framed cattle that excel. Breeding bulls that matured quickly and bred power genetics from the Dragon and Northstar Vernon blood lines. His females grew fast and matured quickly and we were able to breed most of them at a year of age due to their extreme growth pattern. We used him in the clean up program for several years and we ran out of use for him but found a program that can utilize his powerful bloodlines. Sold to Nohavitza Ranch in Texas. Number two in the breed for Yearling EPD.
TLC Starwars T7271 OB60755
Sire: TLC Bud J9103 Dam: GCC G3/8 ET
Starwar's has produced some awesome females in our herd and he went to a Missouri herd and is doing a great job for them. Calving ease sire!
Full brother to TLC Star R5150 2006-2007 National Show Heifer of the Year. Braunvieh Breed Champion at Mercedes Texas 2008! Semen available contact us.. He had a son TLC Starwars John that went onto work well for J Bar Braunvieh in Texas. They used successfully on heifers and kept son's and several daughters for replacement in their herd.
TLC Turnpike ET OB30072
Sire: Ueli Dam: BRG Marlene C313
Largest framed bull we ever used in our program but he had the best calving ease of almost any sire we used. We used him safely on heifers. His daughters are simply awesome in all categories. They have perfect udders, are great mothers and have great dispositions. He had extreme bone and was very good on his feet and legs. If you want to add frame, bone, muscle, length and depth to your herd. Use Turnpike. He is the grand sire to TLCC Hardy. Turnpike is no longer in the herd. He passed away in 2006. He was a big gentle giant at the Thorne Ranch for many years. He adds milk and pounds at weaning.
Turnpike Sire of several Thorne Ranch herd
Black Icon H27 ET PB25994
Sire: RCB Black Uno ET PB14293 Dam: Midnight Dream PB14668
Date of Birth Sept 27, 1998 Birth Wt: 85# 205 Day Weight: 705#
365 Day Weight: 1260# Yearling REA: 15.3 in.
REA/CWT: 1.27 Yrlg IMF: 5.83 Yrlg Scrotal: 37 CM Yrlg Height: 51.5 inches Frame Score: 6.3
Calving Ease Sire Gestation shorter 283 days average. Consistently produces great durable cattle with show ring style.
His daughters have beautiful udders and consistently produce superior progeny that also carcass in the top ten.
Adds a great disposition.
A gentle giant that passed on his great disposition, durable females with great udders, fertility and a three star tenderness gene. Contact J Bar Braunviehand ask them if he didn't get them started in the Braunvieh breed with son's that they purchased from us in 1997. Their program started from Black Icon as did several top breeders of Black Braunvieh.
Black Icon progeny have set new standards for Purebred black Braunvieh sales, shows and in carcass contests. The progeny average 83 pounds at birth on bull & heifer calves "Black & Polled" Gestation has been 272 to 282 days from Fullblood & Purebred Donor's.. You can safely use him on first calf heifers. He works beautiful on angus too! They are thick and he adds milk. Plus he gives them a great disposition. We are used Black Icon daughters exclusively in the Club Calf Program. Our Maine-Anjou Herd Sire, TLCC Turk S6103 ET goes back to a Black Icon daughter named TLC Black Bev K2386. She is the Dam of Donor TLC Whoa Girl N3100 Turk's dam.
Black Icon sired Steers all test VERY TENDER in the
Warner-Bratzler Shear Test
The only pen of steers in the OK Cattleman Test to do so!
TLC Silver Link W9151 ET PB69553 (deceased) Sire: Silverado Dam: TLC Helena J9104 ET
Sire of several winners. His bull calves just won the test in 2014 Navasota Texas Feed Out.. See him at Latest News and Archived News pages Show bull of the Year 2012. His progeny have been winning in several categories.
Sept 2015 - TLC Silver Link progeny # 1 in RFI 4.05 and # 1 in ADG 4.43 over all breeds at Summer 2015 Best of the Test Navasota, Texas.
TLC Silver Link was also the sire of the 2015 National Show Heifer of the Year Show ring, pasture, feedlot and carcass.
A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Inc.
435707 E0370 Rd, Adair, OK 74330
Copyright 1997-2025 © A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
Designed by TLC Website Designs
Come see us and pick out a Show Heifer, Replacement or a Herd Sires Prospect. Private Treaty! Take your time and get what you want. Check out all Angus, Maine and Clubby and Braunvieh Semen and Embryos Inventory. Call us 918.284.0175