The Thorne family roots came from ancestors in England back to Knights that sat around the round table. The Thorne family immigrated to North Carolina. Some moved to Alabama and our clan eventually moved to East Texas after the Civil War. They moved west to Spearman and Decatur in the Panhandle of Texas where they farmed and raised cattle. William Quincy always enjoyed raising cattle more than farming so he traded his farm ground for the ranch southwest of Canadian Texas.
The Thorne family has always been involved in raising cattle and agriculture production. They produced Commercial Hereford and Stocker Feeders in Panhandle of Texas at the Thorne Ranch southwest of Canadian Texas for many years.
Albert (Abbie) William Thorne, his father Albert Nealy Thorne and grandfather William Quincy Thorne purchased and raised stocker feeder cattle and farmed wheat around Hereford and Canadian Texas in the 1950's to 1970's. They were partners in several feed lots that were established in the Panhandle area in the 1960's. They typically had around 5,000 head on feed and another 5,000 on pasture ready to go in. Abbie learned a lot about roping and doctoring cattle in his youth. Pot loads of steers were shipped in from the south and they would process them right off the truck. His job was to keep them alive and he learned how to do it with little help.
In 1963, the ranch in Northeast Oklahoma was purchased to add pasture for summering yearling cattle. After running yearlings in Oklahoma so much cheaper the Texas ranch was eventually sold to Abbie's classmate Ben Wheeler and family. It was either put in center pivot sprinklers for irrigation or go where it rained more. It was a wise decision. They could utilize the rainfall and better pastures in the northeast Oklahoma ranch.
The present day Thorne Ranch is still located in northeast Oklahoma. A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle
Albert (Abbie) William Thorne, his father Albert Nealy Thorne and grandfather William Quincy Thorne purchased and raised stocker feeder cattle and farmed wheat around Hereford and Canadian Texas in the 1950's to 1970's. They were partners in several feed lots that were established in the Panhandle area in the 1960's.
In 1963, the ranch in northeast Oklahoma was purchased to add pasture for summering yearling cattle. After running yearlings in Oklahoma so much cheaper the Texas ranch was eventually sold to Abbie's classmate Ben Wheeler and family. It was either put in center pivot sprinklers for irrigation or go where it rained more. It was a wise decision. They could utilize the rainfall and better pastures in the northeast Oklahoma ranch.
In 1991 Albert W. Thorne introduced the Fullblood Braunvieh breed to Oklahoma, when Braunvieh bulls were purchased for commercial Beef Master cows. He liked the cross so well that Fullblood Braunvieh donors and top Herd Sires were added to the herd. The Beef Master cows became recipient mothers to ET calves in the extensive embryo program that developed. He selected several genetics for his breeding herd from Canada after visiting breeders there and in Switzerland. He researched the bloodlines brought in from Switzerland and Europe. He saw blood lines that he felt could improve his breeding program and felt that the breeder ethics and integrity were superior in Canada. He also added American genetics from the Golden Link herd in Nebraska.
Black and Polled Purebred Braunvieh make History at Thorne Ranch In 1999, black and polled Braunvieh genetics were introduced to Oklahoma too. Home to Black Icon the first homozygous black and homozygous polled Purebred Braunvieh bull in the breed. Black Icon is 93.75% Braunvieh and 6.25% Angus. A big gentle giant that has produced some outstanding females that we have used for a base in our Club Calf Program.. He consistently produces the right kind. Semen available for the commercial breeder. He works great on straight Angus cows. He will keep them black, polled, add bone, muscle, maternal and a great carcass. He is a one in a million.
TLC Bud Grand Champion Bull at 1999 NAILE as a weaned calf was a sire that produced many Champions in the Show Ring, TLC Bud's Star was one of those that dominated the Show Ring and impressed the non Brown lovers with her demand for attention in the Show Ring. She won Supreme Female over all at an impressive open show in Montgomery Texas north of Houston where she beat out the Angus, Maine and show Breeds with her dominance. Bud put a big foot on them and a stride to go with it.
Today, the Thorne's still breed for Spring and Fall calves. The Spring calves start arriving in April and end in May. The Fall calves start in September and finish in November. They aim to produce a powerful product that will fit everyone's program. They have increased the Simmental herd from some top programs. They strive to produce what the customer demands and aim to produce cattle that will fit everyone's pocket book.
You are more than welcome to stop by and view their program anytime. Please call ahead of time to reserve your pasture viewing. There is nothing they like better than showing their cattle.
The Thorne Ranch Club Calf Program The Club Calf program developed in the year 2000 when Registered Angus were added to the herd. Maine Anjou and more Simmental genetics were added in 2002 to produce percentage cattle for the club calf program. They utilized existing Braunvieh percentage Angus-Braunvieh cows. Contributing great dispositions, strong maternal, bone and carcass quality.
Thorne Ranch cattle fit several facets in the cattle industry today. They have had many winners in the show ring, thanks to their friends and partners Diamond in the Rough Cattle Co and cattle kids that helped exhibit TLC Cattle over the years. Thank you and God Bless!
A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Inc.
435707 E0370 Rd, Adair, OK 74330
Copyright 1997-2025 © A. W. Thorne Land & Cattle, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
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Come see us and pick out a Show Heifer, Replacement or a Herd Sires Prospect. Private Treaty! Take your time and get what you want. Check out all Angus, Maine and Clubby and Braunvieh Semen and Embryos Inventory. Call us 918.284.0175